Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thor Partners

Well in general, you can seperate Thor's teammates into like three categories:

1) Teammates that help Thor approach

2) Teammates that help Thor do combo damage

3) Teammates that Thor helps

Category 1 would be characters with moves that can get the opponent in continuous blockstun like Dr. Doom's missiles, Ironman's beam assist or Akuma's tatsumaki assist. There are many more options but these are just examples.

Category 2 would include assists that can help Thor continue combos for more damage like X23's ankle slice or Wesker's samurai edge assist since these assists pick the opponents up off the ground for Thor to continue piling on the damage.

Finally, Category 3 would include characters that Thor's assists help. A strong point character like Zero or Magneto with no ability to ground bounce a character for longer combos would gladly welcome Thor into the mix.

Of course there's an option we haven't discussed. The last option is putting Thor with a gimmick team. In the end, the game is about fun. So some people will want to run teams like Gimpyfish does.

So who would you like to team Thor with? Or do you think Thor does better being thrown on other teams rather than having teams based around him?


  1. I do not play enough of this- but I'm keeping these videos in mind for when I do.

  2. nice movies, damn that playstyle is so quick.

  3. Wow, that's a cool costume for Captain America. Gotta look into costumes more. -.-

  4. Nice vids, better than what I could do

  5. Sounds like some basic intro to solid strategies to make a good team comp, although, on a side note, I never got over how much damage they tabulated in these games. 1 BILLION DAMAGE COMBOOOOOO.

  6. This is super informative. Glad I found your site.

  7. Really awesome combos. 'nuff said.

  8. I'd put Tron Bonne in any team, I don't care. She's just awesome.

  9. You really know your stuff. This is the difference between a casual and a REAL gamer :]

  10. based on the first video, i would team thor with captain america.

  11. Thor is a great compliment to X-23. Too bad I can't play online anymore


  12. Great videos dude, I'll have to adapt some of these into my own strats.

  13. awesome video! great post btw

  14. Nice strat, if only i was good at this game.

  15. Crazy damage numbers... do most fighters use such high figures?

  16. isuck at these fighting games...just a button smasher
